Risk & Performance Management
PARADIGMIX™ srl is the company of management consultancy which enables a patented solution of "Risk & Performance Management" to manage the risks deriving from the dynamics of the events inherent in a service contract of industrial machinery, under Digital Servitization or EaaS (Equipment as a Service), and determines and regulates the preliminary investigation, concession, pricing and credit management, through the production of special indicators that allow to represent the service contract track record, for the purpose of proper determination of credit bankability.
PARADIGMIX™ a risk and performance management model for industrial assets under Digital Asset Servitization, designed with the aim of managing theintegrity, performance, competitiveness and financial and environmental sustainability of the Service Contract.
The enabling factor for the use of Paradigmix is provided by the development of the so-called Industrial Internet of Things, i.e., the use of sensors and devices that, installed at the nerve points of the machinery and appropriately connected to the Web, allow remote and in real- time monitoring.
To monetize the wealth of information deriving from networked machines, the industrial machinery manufacturer is naturally led to carry out a strategic repositioning of its business model from a transaction-based structure to a service-based one
For a transition to a serviced-based business model it is necessary that the entrepreneur can innovate models, processes and technologies, in order to achieve the relevant expected benefits. Through careful risk management it is possible to fully exploit the true wealth generated by networked machines
The analysis of such information sources, which are richer and more complex than those traditionally used, favours the introduction of a new specialised player in the market, to work alongside the entrepreneurs of the mechanical industry: we refer to it by the acronym DAS BUREAU – Digital Asset Servitization Bureau
The main areas to address and manage
The EaaS (Equipment as a Service) business model allows a manufacturing company, against payment of an all-inclusive fee, to be able to use a machine.
The market, which is growing rapidly worldwide, sees manufacturers (OEMs), lenders (banks, funds and leasing companies) and insurance companies as protagonists.
In this context, PARADIGMIX™ srl is the management consultancy company that enables a patented "Risk & Performance Management" solution to manage the risks deriving from the dynamics of the events inherent in a service contract.
These areas represent the pillars for the adoption of the EaaS business model and can now be fully managed and harmonised, throughout the life cycle of the machinery, through the PARADIGMIX™ patented scoring model, which allows for a concise and immediate representation of the track performance record of the service contract and, consequently, the use of the credits deriving from it, as collateral to guarantee debt instruments, such as ESG-compliant financial asset classes aimed at monetizing the credits created through EaaS.